Calligraphy Secrets

Calligraphy is the art of fine handwriting. One might almost say the lost art of fine handwriting.

Name:Eleanor Rosen
Location:Dallas, Texas, United States

Monday, July 03, 2006

Chinese Calligraphy

Chinese Calligraphy is a unique artfrom.

The four basic disciplines and skills of Chinese literati are: Shu (calligraphy), Hua (painting), Qin (a string musical instrument), and Qi (a strategic boardgame).

Shu Fa (Calligraphy) is thought to be most revealing of one's personality.

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Beginner Kit for Calligraphy

Before you start doing calligraphy, you should get some proper tools.

If you're a beginner, then the best thing to start with is a beginner's kit.

Once you get more advanced then there are lots of other resources available to use.

Calligraphy Secrets

Welcome to the first post of the Calligraphy Secrets blog.

Here you will find a host of calligraphy resources to use.